Over 30 years’ experience in manufacturing innovative products and delivering customer-focused services
- Leak detection
- Water sustainability
- Oil storage maintenance & compliance
- Drainage & interceptor maintenance
- Flood defence
Floodline® control panels can monitor the full range of Andel leak detection sensors for water, oil and gas leaks as well as temperature and humidity. Control panels range from single-zone modules and panels to advanced hybrid multifunction systems that can simultaneously monitor multiple zones in any size building.
The control panel that takes leak detection to a new level
Next generation, state-of-the-art, multi-detector, hybrid leak detection monitoring system. Able to accept input alarms/detailed data from water, gas and oil leak sensors as well as temperature and humidity sensors simultaneously. Suited to medium to large installations.
Read moreState-of-the-art, hybrid leak detection system with zonal and distance measuring options
Hybrid leak detection panel with multiple distance measuring and zonal options
Read moreA multifunctional and customisable water, oil and gas leak detection system
Multi-Zone control panel is available as 4-zone, 8-zone and 16-zone options and can continuously monitor a network of multiple leak detection zones.
Read moreMonitors the full range of Andel's leak detection sensors including water and oil distance measuring sensors up to 1500 metres via Floodline Ranger®
1-Zone control panel continuously monitors a single leak detection zone.
Read moreCost-effective, self-contained single-zone leak detection module
1-Zone Module is a self-contained single-zone leak detection module specially designed for incorporation into other control/alarm systems, air conditioning units, BMS etc. The module continuously monitors a single leak detection zone.
Read moreControls the operation of up to eight solenoid or energy-saving motorised valves to isolate water, oil or gas supply if an alarm is triggered.
8-Way SVCP monitors alarm relays in a Floodline® control panel.
Read moreStand-alone system or integrates into a larger installation within a network of zones
Floodline Ranger® is a distance measuring system providing liquid leak detection monitoring for up to 1500 metres.
Read moreCompact unit for alerting, monitoring and control via Wi-Fi and mobile networks
GSM Communicator is a compact, wall-mounted unit for alerting, monitoring and control through Wi-Fi and mobile networks.
Read moreBREEAM WAT 02 and WAT 03 major water leak detection
FlowGuardian® is a robust, major water leak and high usage alarm system that can earn BREEAM credits for WAT 02 and WAT 03. The system actively monitors the mains water flow from the the site boundary to the property.
Read moreThe control unit works with a range of detectors and control modules using RS485
The micro-processor controlled module MDD-256/T is designed to oversee the digital gas leak detection system.
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