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Andel FloodPump – Advanced alarm and automatic flood pump for larger installations

The system works continuously and automatically 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

Andel FloodPump is an advanced, alarm and automatic flood pump system designed for larger installations that can be deployed inside or utside a property within a perimeter flood defence, protecting buildings and protected areas at risk from flooding. The system works continuously and automatically 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

FloodPump is flexible and can be configured to manage a range of different flood risk scenarios. The system comprises a submersible sensor unit with integrated automatic pump or pumps installed in a sump below ground level and a wall-mounted control panel. The system can send SMS alerts and can control a range of automatic flood defence devices.

FloodPump has been specially adapted for the flood defence market from a tried and trusted automatic dewatering solution that has been installed in thousands of electrical distributors and oil storage site operators, protecting assets and the environment for over 30 years.

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FloodPump system
FloodPump system

Insertion unit

The robust stainless steel insertion unit is equipped with a number of conductive probes that can be set to levels to suit the flood risk in any given scenario. 

Wall-mounted controller unit

The wall-mounted controller recognises conductivity between the probes and performs a multitude of automatic functions. Output relays provide round-the-clock system status alerts. Wall unit has a clear LED display.


FloodPump standard pump operates at a rate of 140 litres per minute. The system can also operate two pumps – either alternating to share the load or running simultaneously as a booster system. There is also an option to install larger capacity pumps if required. 

Example of how a typical cycle can work in a protected area during a flood event with rising and falling water levels
Example of how a typical cycle can work in a protected area during a flood event with rising and falling water levels

System status alerts

Loss of mains power – a total loss of mains power would trigger an alarm and outward SMS notifications powered by back-up battery – the pump cannot activate without mains power unless the system is supported by back-up generators. 

System disable – this is a failsafe for detected faults, for example if the probes activate in the wrong order it indicates third-party engineer fault not water. In this case the pumps would not activate and an SMS message would be sent to advise there was a maintenance fault caused by a third-party*. 

Maintenance alerts - the system will recognise fluctuations in the performance of the pump or pumps and will send SMS notifications if and when the system requires servicing. 

*All pumps require regular maintenance and the insertion unit and probes should also be checked at regular intervals. This work should be undertaken by a qualified engineer, however it is important that the maintenance work is undertaken and completed correctly. The system will detect engineer faults such as the pump not being re-fitted properly or testing equipment being left in the insertion unit. If there are any engineer or third-party tampering faults detected, SMS alarm notifications will automatically be sent out.

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Through our European offices, Andel BV in the Netherlands and Andel-Environmental SRL in Romania, supported by a trusted network of European distributors, Andel continues to provide a seamless supply of products and technical support throughout the EU and Europe. 

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