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Over 30 years’ experience in manufacturing innovative products and delivering customer-focused services

  • Leak detection
  • Water sustainability
  • Oil storage maintenance & compliance
  • Drainage & interceptor maintenance
  • Flood defence
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Marsden-based Andel Limited, the UK’s leading designer and manufacturer of specialised leak detection and environmental protection systems for industry and utility providers, has exciting news; For the first time since we were established twenty-three years ago, we have made the decision to rebrand our business.

This heralds a new era for Andel, and comes at a time when we are at our strongest ever, enabling us to consolidate our three distinct product sets under one new, yet instantly recognisable, banner.

Our Floodline, PPL and IWS brands will now operate within the same Andel corporate brand, helping distributors, customers and partners find the best custom solution for their complex needs. Moreover, we will continue to expand our industry-leading suite of products, with some very innovative new developments due for launch in the next few months.

Of course, our valued partners will still receive the same service excellence, product innovation and market-leading attention to detail – all unique skills that have made Andel the first choice in leak detection and environment protection over the past two decades.

Hand in hand with this new focus for the business, we are reaffirming our traditional commitment to environmental issues, with a fresh emphasis on sustainability, recyclability and durability. This means that, when you choose Andel, you can be confident that you’re not only getting best-of-breed solutions, but you’re also helping make a positive contribution to our wider environment.

It goes without saying that, as trusted Andel partners, we’d be eager to speak with you to discuss the wider benefits of this strategic move for your business, not to mention ours. By all means please feel free to talk to your usual contacts within Andel, or indeed any member of our team. We’ll be glad to help.

Yours sincerely,
Julie Greenwood
Managing Director

All European enquiries are now managed via Andel's global website: www.andel.com

Through our European offices, Andel BV in the Netherlands and Andel-Environmental SRL in Romania, supported by a trusted network of European distributors, Andel continues to provide a seamless supply of products and technical support throughout the EU and Europe. 

Andel exports worldwide.